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File a Complaint

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction relating to the Municipality’s program, service, facility and employees and/or anyone in contravention of a Municipal By-law. 

If you wish to make a general inquiry or report a concern in relation to a municipal program, service or facility, please use the online form below.    

For more information, please refer to our Complaint Policy.

Process to submit a Complaint

All Complaints shall be submitted in writing, and complainants are encouraged to complete the Complaint Form. You may print and submit in person at the Municipal Office or save the file and submit it by email.

The written complaint must include the following information:

  • Specific details of what happened;
  • Details of, where it occurred, who was involved (if applicable);
  • Date and time of occurrence;
  • What outcome is being sought, if any; and
  • Contact information of the complainant.

Once you submit your request, it will be acknowledged within five (5) days.

Within thirty (30) business days of receipt of a complaint, a response in writing will be provided to the complainant and will include:

  • Whether the complaint was validated,
  • If the complaint is not validated, provide reason(s) for their decision; and,
  • Any actions the municipality has or will take as a result of the complaint.

If a response cannot be provided within thirty (30) business days, the complainant will be notified of the delay and an estimate or follow-up date of when a response will be provided.